unusual facts about veterans day
25 Veterans Day Facts Parade . Web 1. It's not "Veteran's Day" or "Veterans' Day"—Veterans Day is actually spelled without an apostrophe. 2. Originally, Veterans Day was known as "Armistice Day," which began to be... 25 Veterans Day Facts Parade from facts.net Web11 Interesting Facts About Veterans Day 1. It Wasn’t Always Called Veterans Day. Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day, and it was meant to be a day... 2. Americans Aren’t the Only Ones Who Celebrate November 11. Many countries around the world also celebrate November 11... 3. Germany. Source: i.pinimg.com Web Here are some additional fascinating facts about Veterans Day history: Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day. The name changed in 1954 to recognize veterans in all wars and times of peace. Britain, Canada, Australia, and France celebrate their veterans on the same day ...